Saturday, May 28, 2011

I just want you to be happy!

This has been one long week. I've been feeling more tired and nauseous then several months, my house is a disaster (but I've been too tired to do anything about it), and Sofia and I have had some challenges as well.

Yesterday afternoon I was determined to get something cleaned in my house, so I chose the kitchen. Sofia brought a bunch of playing cards into the kitchen to entertain herself while I worked. At first this didn't bother me because if I could get the kitchen clean then I could deal whatever small mess she made. Well after a long tiring week of butting heads with Sofia and being completely overwhelmed with my eternal list of to-dos that I had no energy to complete, I lost my patience. I asked Sofia over and over and over to pick up the cards that had taken over the kitchen floor and in true toddler fashion, she didn't listen. She then grabbed a box of cereal off of the table and added the contents to the big mess. After she sent herself to time out, I tried to compose my patience and brought her back to the kitchen to clean up her ever increasing mess.

Again she refused. I broke down. I cried to her about how tired and sick I was feeling. I blubbered that all I wanted was for her to listened to me and clean up! I buried my face in my hands and continued to cry. A short time later Sofia cheerfully proclaimed "Look Mommy I'm cleaning up! I just want you to be happy!"

I love my sweet little Sofia! Even though she challenges my patience frequently, her endless unconditional love makes every frustrating moment worth it a hundred times over.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh Jenny, I feel like that a lot, but I cannot imagine being pregnant and dealing with everything still. You are one strong lady. I can picture Sofia saying that and how that must've made you feel. She is a sweet girl.