Thursday, February 17, 2011

Number 3

Sofia turned 3 a couple weeks ago. I honestly can't believe that she is already three! It makes me sad sometimes to think that her baby stage is over, but I'm also excited for all the wonderful things that this stage in her life will bring!

We had several small celebrations for her birthday instead of one big party and Sofia got spoiled at each one.
-Dinner and party at Oma and Poppy's house
-Dinner and presents with Grandpa
-Birthday lunch at Chic-fil-a with friends
-Birthday dinner at BJ's

Here are some facts about our sweet Sofia:
-She has been potty trained for a little over a month, though we are still having (ahem) #2 issues
-She loves it when we "talk to" her toys. Meaning we give them voices.
-She is so incredibly stubborn and insists on doing most everything herself.
-She asks why about everything
-She is very intuitive and is always quick to give me kisses and hugs (without being prompted) when I'm having a bad day.
-She loves doing art projects, singing songs and dance to music.
-No more binky as of last week!
-She is still in a crib.
-She isn't a picky eater anymore. Which I would have considered a miracle just a year ago.
-She is still on a wheat-free diet and has been for over a year.

Sofia has been a beacon of light in my life and I feel so incredibly blessed everyday to be her mother!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Happy Happy Birthday sweet Sofia! We miss you guys. I wish we had more time to catch up with old friends!