Friday, January 7, 2011

All I want for Christmas are kidney stones?

Our December was....eventful. Right at the beginning of the month I had all these wonderful plans of the many "Christmas-y" traditions and outings we were going to have as a family. Then the morning of the 9th I awoke at 3am to the sounds of Josef in excruciating pain. It was scary. I have never seen a person in that amount of pain. We knew it was kidney stones, he had had them twice before. I just paced our bedroom while Josef writhed in agony on our bathroom floor. Forty-five minutes later we decided it was best to head to the ER, with Sofia in tow. Thankfully my mother-in-law answered the phone and she sent Josef's dad to meet us at the ER, so that he could take care of Sofia at home.

I won't go into much detail, but needless to say 3 weeks, two surgeries, two kidney stones, 1 ER visit, and many pain pills later, Josef finally passed his stones. As a result all my grand designs of the magical Christmas we were going to have, changed and were simplified. Our Christmas tree didn't even make an appearance until just a few days prior.

Here are pictures from our wonderfully simple Christmas.

Christmas Eve my parents came over and we made pizzas and opened presents. Sofia L-O-V-E-D helping Grandpa in the kitchen with the toppings and dough.

Christmas Day we woke up, had a deeelicious breakfast, opened presents and stockings, and then spent the rest of the day with Josef's entire family. I think one of the best parts was Preston coming home that morning from Afghanistan for his 2 week R&R! We were over joyed that Amy (Josef's sister), Preston, and their twin girls were reunited after 9 long months.


Amy said...

you look really good in your Christmas eve picture. Looks like you guys had fun, glad that Josef passed the stones finally.

Jess said...

Oh, poor guy! Glad things turned out. I guess you'll never forget Christmas 2010!

timandcindyhowe said...

Cute blog Jenny...mind if I follow? I think the last I talked to you was just the beginning of all Josef's fun...sorry to hear it was so long and painful. Glad you had a merry Christmas.