Saturday, September 4, 2010

I can't look...

How long has it been since I last posted? I can't bring myself to look. I feel like I've lost the motivation to blog. Pregnancy makes me lazy I guess. Oh, yeah I guess I haven't made the official blog announcement. I am pregnant and we're having a boy! March 11th is my official due date. My first trimester just ended so some of you may be wondering how we already know the gender. My doctor's office offers an early screen test done at 12 weeks that involves an ultrasound and finger prick. The point is to determine risk factors for down-syndrome, but really I was just anxious to know if we were having boy.

I feel so very blessed with this pregnancy. Weeks 7-10 were rough, but not nearly as bad as my sickness with Sofia. I still get gaggy every once in while and come very close to "losing it", but all in all I feel great! My only complaint is that I am at the fat stage now. I do not really look pregnant, I just look pudgy.

Josef and I are planning a tropical vacation this November. We are heading to Cancun for a few days and leaving Sofia with Grandparents. We are so incredibly excited to be going on a do-nothing holiday that is completely devoted to us.

Now that I have finally stopped procrastinating this, I have several more posts (with pictures). So stay tuned!


Eric and Amy said...

Yay for little brothers! Sofia will be such a great big sis! So glad you're feeling better. That makes all the difference in the world. And you SO DON'T look pudgy!

I'm so jealous of Cancun! PLEASE post lots of pics so I can be jealous!

Jess said...

Yeah, congrats! How exciting and I am glad the worst part is over. Is Sofia potty training yet? We're trying to work on Jackson but haven't officially done it yet...he may take a while:( Anyway, that is so exciting and we are very happy for you! I hope it gets better and better. And enjoy that vacation of yours! Sounds fun:)