Friday, July 2, 2010

Little Miss

Here is a little about Little Miss Sofia in bullet points.

  • I have a love-hate relationship with her hair: I love when it forms in to perfect little ringlets; I hate that she rarely lets me touch it and that she screams when I take a brush to it.
  • Sofia is the queen of dance! She will dance her little heart out to music in any form, even Daddy's beat-boxing.
  • Sofia especially loves having the undivided attention of everyone in the room when she performs.
  • She's been on a wheat-free diet since Christmas and it has made world of difference.
  • This diet was a hassle at first, but I'm used to it and we all eat tremendously healthier because of the change. I no longer consider her a picky eater!
  • Sofia is still as tiny as they come, but it suits her.
  • She graduated to a size 4 diaper a few months ago
  • Sofia's movie obsessions (the only two she's ever seen) are Chicken Little and Horton Hears a Who.
  • I love to watch Sofia draw and color. She is much more deliberate and has much more small muscle control then just a month ago.
  • She is Miss Independent. "I do it!" is the most frequently used sentence in her vocabulary. Most of the time I try to be patient and let her experience things and make her own choices, but I have moments when I just want to scream.
  • Today she put on her shorts, socks (different colors), and sandals (wrong feet of course) by herself. She was proud.
  • She is STUBBORN! This is her personality trait that tries my patience the most.
  • She loves to sing. Monday evening we spent 45 minutes singing the Wheels on the Bus, making up different verses.
  • Her favorite songs are Twinkle, Twinkle and ABC's. I didn't realize that they have the same melody until she requested that I play them on the piano.
  • Sofia likes to make up her own lyrics and will sing them LOUDLY in public places.
  • She loves when strangers pay attention to her.
Sorry this is so lengthy. I know most won't care, but I want to remember this age. I love it!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love posts like this. It is fun to see what she's doing when we don't see her. Which I guess I need to make the effort to make it more often.