Monday, April 5, 2010

It Was Worth It

Despite the 20 +miles hiked, blistered raw feet, sunburned hands, arms, and face, and unbelievable amounts of mud to pull our handcart through, it was all worth it. After we were sent home early on Saturday we were told to report back, with our trek families, later that afternoon to the stake center for a special meeting.When the meeting began we were very surprised and blessed to find out that we would all be able to shake the hand of an apostle of God, Elder Dallin H. Oaks! After shaking more then 300 hands he briefly spoke to us and shared his testimony, after which the youth then shared their testimonies. What a spiritual (and long, it lasted more then 3 hours) meeting!

Here are some things I don't want to forget about our Trek experience.

  • The MUD! Probably more then half of the miles we walked were through mud that, in places, was thigh high.
  • As a result of a mud hole in the very beginning two of our girls lost their shoes and had to walk 10 miles barefoot.
  • Our family, which consisted of a "Ma and Pa" and 4 girls and 3 boys ages 13-16, were so strong and always willing to pull the wagon. I was very impressed with this group youth!
  • The 5 extra miles we hiked after we thought we were done Thursday night and the blessing from Heavenly Father that President Dotter invoked on each of us that we would have angels to help us pull through the dark rocky trails. For truly the angels were there!
  • The Friday night musical fireside that I was blessed to be a part of even though I had to sing a solo while I had laryngitis.
  • Doing more then I physically thought possible because I was strengthened by the Lord.


Carly said...


Amy said...

wow those are some awesome experiences you had!

Laura Garner said...

Wow! That's so cool you guys did that Jenny! I had no idea! Very cool.