Monday, March 15, 2010

To Do...

I have so so much to do these next few days. At the end of the week Josef and I will be going on a pioneer trek with the youth in our church and we are responsible for bringing a TON of stuff. Most of the things on your list is stuff that we need to borrow or buy. On top of compiling all of our stuff, I need to prepare Sofia for the three days away from us. I'm trying not to be too obsessive and anxious, but its hard with Sofia's eating problems and the fact that she has never spent more then 24 hours away from us...

More for my benefit then your entertainment, here is my to do list:

  • Buy fabric for pioneer skirt and deliver to friend who so generously offered to make it for me.
  • Buy white button down shirt and bonnet to match skirt.
  • Buy shirts for Josef.
  • Call doc and put MIL (mother-in-law) on list of people who can take Sofia in for an appt.
  • Find vest or suspenders to complete Josef's pioneer wardrobe.
  • Plan Sofia's meals, and purchase and cook food.
  • Write down Sofia's routine for MIL
  • Compile pioneer stories into small notebook for nightly devotionals
  • Finish memorizing the words to songs for Friday's musical fireside.
  • Buy insoles for my second pair of shoes.
  • Compile (and water proof when necessary) the remaining items on list of things to bring.
  • Pack everything Sofia will need while at Oma and Poppy's house.
I know there is much more and I will probably think of it later (hopefully). Wish me luck!


tmfwilson said...

Good luck in preparing for the Trek. They are worth it! We have clothing if you need it. Give us a call.
T. Wilson--Christi's Mom

Amy said...

wow good luck! I'm sure you'll get it all done.