Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lovin' my Christmas Presents

For Christmas I got these two awesome presents from Josef and his mom:
I have really been enjoying them, especially this past week. As with any typical toddler, 98% of the time Sofia refuses to eat vegetables and most other things that are healthy. Add on top of that the no-wheat diet she has been on for the past few months and the fact that she has always had a very strong aversion to eating, and you get the stress of constantly questioning whether Sofia is getting enough to eat. I can feel my chest tightening just thinking about it.

This week I have been racking my brain trying to think of different approaches or new foods that I haven't tried that might help me in my quest to feed my toddler. I remembered the cookbook (pictured above) my mother-in-law got me for Christmas and flipped through it again. Finally I have decided to commit to this cookbook and its approach to child nutrition. So I broke out my awesomely amazing food processor and got to work.

If you haven't heard of Deceptively Delicious you can click here to read more about it, but in a nutshell it's full of recipes with vegetable purees hidden inside the foods so your kids don't realize they are being fed vegetables. So far this week I have made banana bread with yellow squash, fried rice with yellow squash, and mac n' cheese with chickpeas and butternut squash. All of which were fairly well received by Sofia because they were foods she would normally eat, just healthified! Next on my list of purees to hide are peas, broccoli, and avocado. Maybe even spinach.

I still want to offer Sofia vegys in their true form so that maybe one day she will willing eat them, but until then this can be my peace of mind. I highly recommend this book to any and all mothers especially those with finicky eaters.


Amy said...

that is great! I need that book for Preston, lol. I hope we can do more play dates when I and the girls get back.

Eric and Amy said...

What a great gift! I've tried some of those recipes too. My kids love them. I am sure it is quite the journey as a mother to go through the food wars with Sofia. Good luck! My kids' favorite is when I hide sweet potatoes in the pizza sauce WHEN I make homemade pizza. Then I sprinkle flax seed on top, and they have NO clue until after dinner is over. It's so delish! Good luck!