Friday, February 26, 2010


Last month Sofia and I visited my sister in Arizona for a week. I was a little nervous at first to fly by myself with Sofia, but she did so great, on the way there and back! I heeded the advice of two people who suggested giving Sofia a lolly pop during take off. She sucked on her ring pop and looked at the Sky Mall magazine with me for the first 40 minutes of the flight. Sofia cried briefly on the descent and tugged on her ears, but other then that she was super quiet the entire two hours. The flight home she was really exhausted and cuddled with me in various positions almost the whole time. I was so relieved the flight went so well.

While Sofia and I were there she and her cousin Aaron, who's just 6 months older, were inseparable the entire week. Aside from a few sharing problems, they played so well together. In AZ we played, ate, shopped, went to the library, played, watched movies and Gilmore Girls, played, visited two children's museums, shopped, and relaxed.

For your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures from the Mesa and Phoenix Children's Museums we visited. I have to say that Phoenix was hands down the best! It was amazing. We could have spent hours upon hours there if the kids didn't need to eat or sleep. Sofia's favorite part was the extremely realistic, child sized grocery store. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. Sofia and Aaron wouldn't cooperate and look at the camera unless I tricked them.

This part was cool because they got to paint this big castle!

Sofia was standing over something that blew up air:
These next two pictures crack me up because they are just so bad! This is Sofia's mid-blink face. I guess one eye blinks faster then the other.
Aaron had the same problem too...

It was so much fun to spend time with my sister and her family. I hope we won't have to wait long before we can spend time together again!

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