Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This should be enough...

...to get me somewhat caught up. As I'm sure you have gathered from previous posts life has been tough the past month and a half (I'll post about that later) so I took a break from blogging. Well now I'm back and a lot of good things have happened. So here's the condensed version.

The weekend before New Moon came out I had some friends over to "review" Twilight. Everyone brought a Twilight themed dessert. These are just a few.

For Thanksgiving we drove to southern Kentucky where Josef's sister lives. It was a twelve hour drive and went 100% better then I expected, and we really enjoyed spending time with loved ones. Sorry no pictures.

At the beginning of December we woke up to a fluffy blanket of snow that promptly melted within a couple hours.

Later in the month we met up with some friends at Frisco Square to see the lights and visit Santa.

I sewed my nephew an adorable cape (pat*on*back) for Christmas and attempted to have Sofia model before it was put in the mail, but she wasn't a happy camper that morning...
Am I a horrible mother for taking these pictures?

A couple weeks ago we went to see all the awesome Christmas decorations at the Gaylord Texan with my parents and then had some delicious Texas BBQ. My dad took all the pictures on his camera, so as soon as I get my hands on the pics I will post them.

Christmas Eve we went over to Josef's parent's house. We had our traditional Christmas quiche for dinner, ate some deeeelicious desserts, played games, and opened presents. All the while a White Christmas was forming outside! The drive home was treacherous, especially since it seems hardly anyone in Texas knows how to drive on ice, but worth it to have snow for Christmas.

Christmas morning, was a lot of fun to watch Sofia get excited over every present we opened, even the ones that weren't for her. Once we were sure the roads were safe we headed over to my parents house and spent the rest of the day hanging out and eating more delicious food.

Sofia got a pair of Van's for Christmas. These are a couple of cute shots I got of Sofia messing with her awesome new shoes. And then the bottom two pictures are of our White Christmas.


Laura Garner said...

These pictures are awesome! I love the ones of Sofia crying! That's so funny.

Amy said...

Poor Sofia! I would've taken the pics too, lol. You guys are such a cute family and we loved spending all the time with you guys too!