Monday, September 28, 2009

Sofia Sofia Sofia

I realized that I haven't written much about Sofia lately, so for journaling purposes, here is what the center of my universe has been up to.

Sofia is coming up on 20 months! Can you believe it? My little girl is getting closer and closer to 2 everyday. Her language has really exploded in the last month or so. I wouldn't say that it was delayed before but at 12 and 18 months she used fewer words then the average child her age. However, in the last month her words have probably quadrupled, at least! These are a few of her favorite words and phrases:

-Dack (Zach, her best friend) and Dack hou (Zach's house)
-Wide (ride, which means a ride in our big blue Ikea bag)
-Nacks (fruit snacks)
-Ba (bath)
-Ween (rain)
-pwease (please) and dinkoo (thank you)

Sofia is obsessed with climbing. She has been a little monkey since she learned to crawl and started with the dish washer. Now she has discovered that she can carry around our little step stool and use it to climb and reach onto most surfaces. Thankfully she hasn't learned how to climb out of her crib yet.

Sofia is still petite and has a very petite appetite. At her 18 month appointment she was in the 0.75% for her weight. So basically 99.25% of children her age weigh more then her. I actually like that she hasn't been gaining weight at drastic speeds (or normal speeds for that matter) because it means she can wear the same clothes many months and saves us some money! Sofia can still wear dresses that I bought for her 10 + months ago!

Sofia has definitely entered the tantrum stage and can be quite dramatic at times but for the most part she is easy going and tons of fun. I especially love that she is a copycat. She loves when I sing songs with actions, which she tries to imitate. Her top three songs are "Insy, Weensy Spider", "Popcorn Popping", and "Skidamarink". If you haven't heard of the last song, YouTube it.

Now onto the pictures!

Sofia is such a little flirt, especially when it comes to her best bud Zach. Here is Sofia in action

I can't believe how grown up she looks in these pictures. At the rate she's going we're going to have to have "the talk" by age two!


Carly said...

I LOVE THAT GIRL! Great update. My favorite thing about Sofia is that she will smile the moment someone smiles at her-- without fail. It really is such a fun stage they are in right now.

Amy said...

wow that is too cute! I think it is funny to see her giving kisses to her best bud dach! lol...

Laura Garner said...

Haha! Love it!