Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm Number One!

Two weeks ago Sofia had her 12 month well child check up and she's still my tiny little girl. With past check-ups I didn't post her stats partly because I don't really want people to be comparing their child to mine like it's some kind of contest. However one year seems like a momentous occasion so here is the run down:

Weight: 0.43%
Length: 48%
Head: 20%
Words: 3 - mama, dada, uh-oh (and just yesterday she said something that sounded like "all done")
Mobility: Cruising, crawling, assisted walking, and a little standing alone.
Favorites: Binkies, playing outside, smoked turkey sausage (the only protein she'll eat), yogurt, carbs carbs carbs, cuddling with Mommy before naps (my favorite too), playing in the refrigerator, climbing into the window to watch Daddy in the yard.


Amy said...

I love that picture she looks so cute in her outfit! Okay so how does the percentile thing work? I don't fully get that yet as far as if its a low number its small or if its high then its big???? Pretty soon you're gonna have your hands full when she starts walkin!

Jenny said...

The percentiles were a little confusing to me at first. Lets take her weight for example: basically 0.43% of children her age weigh less then her and 99.57% (I think I did the math right) weigh more then her.

Christi said...

I can NOT believe she's 1 already! Apsolutly adorable. I love the pictures (here and previous post) she is SOOO cute. Too bad shes older than Logan or I'd be trying to set them up.
I totaly understand the entertaining thing, it's very stressful sometimes! Unfortunetly up here I'm the only one that sets anything up, so it's always up to me, and that can really suck.
I'm glad to hear things are going better for you.