Sunday, January 11, 2009

Belated Christmas

I know its been over two weeks since Christmas, but I've been in a lazy mood. Better late then never right?

Our Christmas was really wonderful this year. I had plans for so many things I wanted to do and not very many of them got accomplished (i.e. Christmas cards). But in the end Christmas Eve and Day were wonderful and couldn't have been a happier time.

Christmas Eve my parents came over and we had a delicious dinner and played games. The next morning we opened presents as soon as Sofia woke up. We kept things simple and didn't spend a whole lot of money on presents; we're saving our money for home improvements (like beautiful new floors). Sofia was very happy with all her new toys! My parents came back over that morning and made us a yummy breakfast after which we opened more presents. After Sofia's nap we headed over to spend the rest of Christmas Day with Josef's family.

At his parents we opened more presents, played games, and ate more food and goodies. The only worry I had for the day was whether Sofia would take a nap at Oma and Poppy's house (Josef's parents). Previous to this she had only had one or two naps in a pack and play. Much to my relief she slept for an hour and a half and it just happened to be at the same time as her cousin Ayden, as well as when we all ate dinner. I have to say this has been the best Christmas Josef and I have spent together. I didn't take very many pictures, so here is what I do have.

Sofia enjoying her new toys!

Josef enjoying his new toy!

This is the ping-pong table Josef's mom got for Josef's dad =)

Oma with her grand babies

1 comment:

Amy said...

wow I have to say that ping pong table is way better than what I had imagined in my mind! lol... Sofia looks cute playing with her toys!