Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving and My Birthday

Golly it feels like a long time since I posted anything. Sorry! I am rededicating myself!! So let me get you caught up.

Thanksgiving was a small affair, but nonetheless pleasant. We just spent it with my parents at our house, but my mom was sick that day so it ended up just being a party of three. I was a little nervous hosting my first Thanksgiving and being in charge of the turkey (actually Josef was in charge of the turkey). But everything turned wonderful and oh so yummy. Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving.

My birthday was the day before Thanksgiving this year. I was so happy Josef got off work early so I could go get my haircut. Then Josef's mom came over to babysit so I could drag him to see Twilight. I won't do an in-depth review, but suffice it to say I was a bit let down. All my friends said it was the best movie they had ever seen so I guess I went into it with high hopes. The theater full of giggly teenagers didn't help. The book is 100 times better, nuff said. Oh one last thing before I switch subjects. Was it just me or was the music awful?.... My birthday gift from Josef is tickets to see the Dallas Symphony Orchestra's Christmas concert. I've heard that it is in the top ten best Christmas concerts in the country. I'm so excited!

In closing, (I know I sound like I'm giving a talk) while my Dad was here for Thanksgiving dinner he took our Christmas card picture. Here's a little sneak peak of what's coming in the mail:


Laura Garner said...

I love your hair! Did you just get it cut? I didn't even see you on Sunday. We should totally get together before we leave. It's been a while!

Amy said...

Looks like your thanksgiving was good! I am so happy the sweet potato's I made turned out, - your recipe.- I wish I could go to the orchestra with you guys it sounds awesome!

Scott Blog said...

I know Jeremy would ask if your turkey was boiled since Josef made it!! HaHa! What a great idea for a gift. Your picture looks great!