Monday, November 24, 2008

4:00am and crying it out

It's 4:07am and I'm listening to Sofia cry. Lately, for naps at least, she will wake up early and cry and cry if I don't let her out of her crib. But she had yet to do this in the middle of the night, until now. Up until tonight I have NEVER had to let her just cry it out because she was always a good little baby and would just go right to sleep without a peep. She's quiet......I hope she's falling asleep. Never mind she's crying again. I hate this.


Jess said...

I'm sorry Jenny. You'll get through it. Just remember, this is only a portion of our lives...just wait until their teens, eh? That's actually not the happiest thought. Thanks for having us over this week-end. Your house is gorgeous! Take care.

Amy said...

Ahh how sad. How do you even be able to do that? I guess you have to huh? Hopefully it doesn't last too long.

Scott Blog said...

Hope that's only a one night thing. Ayden only does that when she's sick or somethings bothering her. Maybe it's her teeth? I don't like letting them cry either. Jeremy can stand it better then I can.