Saturday, September 27, 2008

Royal Update

I have really been slacking lately. Here's my excuse....Lost. Let me explain. Josef's co-worker was telling him that we need to start watching the show Lost and conveniently they have all four seasons online. So in all my spare I've been getting caught up. You would think that since the fifth season doesn't start until January that I would take my time, but this show is addicting so I've been watching an average of three episodes a day. I need to slow down this obsession because my house work is starting pile-up.....sigh.

Sofia will be eight months old next week. Has it really been that long? She had her six month check-up at seven months (we're a month behind) and she's doing great. She has finally found a growth curve that suites her. She is in the 2nd percentile for her weight and her doctor does not seem worried at all about her low weight, so I'm finally relaxing about all that. She has two teeth now and I am hoping that teething will be over for a while.

Josef has been working hard the past few months. A big deadline that was finally met a couple weeks ago meant that that he was spending long hours at work. However his work has really paid off and he is now the number one producer of the small business financial analysts in his company. I'm so proud of him. He has such a good work ethic and does his best at everything that's asked of him.

I've been keeping myself busy with a variety of things (some more redeeming then others). I finally got my piano and have started lessons with my mom. I'm so excited to have a hobby that I love. I haven't played in years, but I can't wait to learn and progress. I was called to teach the sunbeams in our ward and I am overjoyed! They are so much fun and surprisingly well behaved for their age. There are two sunbeam classes. In fact I think there are two of every class in primary. I'm not sure how many kids are in primary but the junior primary alone is at the very least twice as large as our last wards entire primary. Let me further put into perspective how large this ward is. There are 22 Beehives.... yes that's right 22. Can you imagine having to wrangle 22 hyper, giggly 12 and 13 year old girls. I guess that's why they split them into two classes today.

I have more to blog about but this one is getting long. So I'm going to split it up into a few.

1 comment:

Scott Blog said...

I'm with you. Today I don't want to catch up on house work :) Too bad you can't ever really catch up! It's just an ongoing thing! Glad you guys are doing well! I like teaching the younger kids too! What a great calling. Hope teething will be better for you. Ayden had teeth popping up one after the other! At least there were a few weeks where she wasn't so cranky :)