Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sofia and Aaron

A couple weeks ago my sister and her son Aaron came to visit and stayed with my parents for two weeks. It was so fun spending time with her and Aaron. The first time Aaron met Sofia her greeted her by biting her hand (he has seven teeth, going on eight). From that point on we watched Aaron like a hawk when ever the two were together. Just before Katie and Aaron went home we dressed the kids up in their 4th of July outfits and tried to have a little photo session. Needless to say, we weren't very successful. Both kids were tired and neither were feeling very well. However we did get some cute pictures.

Did I mention that Sofia wasn't very happy?

Aaaw that's better!

Moms and Kids (We weren't suppossed to be in the picture, Dad...)
Silly Aaron


Amy said...

Ahh that is so cute! Even though she did have the saddest face ever in that first pic!

Scott Blog said...

Very cute pictures! I hope the weaning goes well! She will take the bottle better and better as time goes on. I hope you will get more and more sleep!