Saturday, June 21, 2008


I have a lot to blog about, but I'm just going to do a quick update and then fill you in on the details when I have more time and energy. This week has been stressful! Josef and I closed on our house on Monday. We are official homeowners now!!! All this week has been full of preparations for our move. Thursday my friend Jessica came over and helped me pack for a few hours. I was really stressing out about all the packing I had to do with a baby to take care of. So a very special THANK YOU to Jess for helping me! You have been such a wonderful friend, especially these last couple months that have been so hard for me. I'm going to miss seeing you in the mother's room every Sunday.

Friday Josef took the day off and and his parents came over and helped us to finish up the packing. Thank you two for all your help we love you! Today we moved into our beautiful home and we absolutely love it! The only bad part of the day is that Sofia woke up with a little cold this morning, and was a little fussy and tired all day. But she's a trooper and still pretty content compared to most babies.

Tomorrow we go to our new ward. This is the part that I'm actually having a hard time with. I am going to miss Carrollton 2nd so much. We have made so many good friends and loved the callings we had. The ward is so tight nit, warm, and welcoming. If anybody is doing some "ward shopping" this one comes highly recommended!! I have actually had to stop myself from thinking about it too much so that I wouldn't cry, but eventually I will have to deal with my sadness. But the good thing is that we only live twenty minutes away so we can go back and visit often.

Well, I'm tired from this loooong day so I will post more soon!


Scott Blog said...

Glad your move went well! Let me know if you need any help unpacking! I'd be glad to come and help. It's hard going to a new ward. I had the hardest time with ours just because in Mckinney wards I knew at least a few people in every ward. Our ward is also so big, you never see the same people every Sunday or that's how it seems!

Amy said...

Jenny I'm glad you guys's move went good. I can't wait to see it on the 4th. I hate moving wards too, now I'm finally used to this one we're in and have to get ready for a new one. :-( Hope you like ur new ward

Jess said...

Thanks Jenny, I will miss you too, but good thing you're not that far so you can always visit! Glad the move went okay. Let me know if I can help any more.