Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby Boom

Our ward has experienced a baby boom this year. At one point there were five of us that were pregnant at the same time. Its been fun having friends with babies about the same age as Sofia. We swap stories and share our woes of being first time mothers. The two other moms with babies closest in age to Sofia are my temporary visiting teachers until we move out next weekend. They came over this morning to visit me and we made sure to have a photo session.

Zoe- 3 months; Jackson- a little over 4 1/2 months; Sofia- almost 4 1/2 months (Jackson and Sofia are 10 days apart)

1 comment:

Amy said...

hey Jenny! That's funny that you all had babies pretty much the same time!
I was blog stocking and I found this family, it is a friend of Josef's (I believe) back when he was in Young Men's. here's the link:

just thought I'd share.