Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Family Portraits

So we decided to have a family portrait done this past Saturday. Friday i called this place by our apartment called Portrait Innovations and made an appointment for 12:45pm on Saturday. So that morning I fed Sofia around 11:15, anticipating that we would hopefully be home around 2pm so I could feed her again. Anyways, we thought that maybe if we got there a little before our appointment time that they would be able to get to us sooner so that Sofia we would be in the best mood possible for the pictures. Well we got there at 12:30 and it was like a mad house!!! There were children everywhere and lots of families waiting to have their pictures taken too! We checked in at the front desk and the guy said that there were a few (little did we know that it was more like 6 or 7) groups in front of us so they would take us closer to our set appointment time if not a little after. Guess when they finally got around to us.........2:15!!!!! I was sooooooo upset, I wanted to just leave around 2:00pm, because I figured Sofia would just be cranky, as she was hungry and desperately in need of a nap. But Josef, being the voice of reason that he is, went and talked to them and found out that there was just one more group in front of us. We had been there for an hour and a half and Sofia wasn't fussy yet so we decided to try our luck and stay. Our little girl was such a champ. She was so smiley and happy and we got some good shots. However towards the end of the sitting she started getting a little tired of being so darn cute, but our photographer was efficient and didn't try to sell us on any packages we didn't want. We finally got home a little after 3pm. Ugh, what a stressful experience. Well here are the two pictures we bought at a surprisingly reasonable price. I don't think I would recommend this place unless you are on a tight budget and you can go during the week when it isn't so stinkin busy.

3 Months Old!


Scott Blog said...

What a cute picture! Even Sofia is smiling!! Yeah, when you're a parent you get to make up silly words, noises, songs, and all sorts of other stuff. It's great!

Amy said...

Jenny that is the same place we got our pictures done and I totally recommend going during the week. We totally got way too many pictures and probably shouldn't have got some but all well. I love these pictures though, way cute.

Anonymous said...

What a cute little family! The pictures turned out great. Sofia is such a smiley girl :)