Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So Sick!

Monday and Tuesday of this week I was so sick with the stoamch flu! It started out as just a headach monday morning but as the day wore on I just kept feeling worse and worse until I felt like I was going to hurl at any moment. Poor Sofia spent most of the day just sitting in her little infant chair or laying on her activity mat. By the time Josef got home from work I was so weak I could barely lift Sofia to nurse her. My mom came that night and helped me out. She rocked her to sleep after I fed her and then she stayed till lunch time Tuesday so I could rest. I discovered that I can nurse Sofia lying down which was a great relief to me because sitting up made me want to barf! Tuesday afternoon my friend Christine came over and took Sofia so I could sleep. I don't know what Josef and I will do when we move and we don't have good friends close by who can come over at 11 at night and help give blessings!
Well I"m feeling much better now! I was able to get some good sleep in last night. Being sick reminded me of a few things that I'm so gratefull for:
--My husband. Monday and Tuesday as soon as Josef got home I handed Sofia off to him and he took care of her for the rest of the night except when I fed her.
--My daughter. I have such a good natured, happy baby who is perfectly content to just sit in her little chair or lay on her activity mat for long periods of time. Yet she still loves to be held and cuddled.
--My family. I am so thankful to have family living close by who can drop what they are doing and rush over to help me when I really need it.
--My friends. We have made some really amazing friends since we moved into this ward a year and a half ago.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Jenny I am glad you are feeling better! It really helps when you have family close by, I've totally missed out on that living down here. I hope I have a good natured baby like Sofia!