Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Our House

As some of you know Josef and I have been house hunting the past couple weeks. Well Friday evening we went out again to look at more homes. By the way looking for a house is especially pleasant with a three month (thats how old she'll be tomorrow) baby in tow. That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell. Anyways, Friday we found a house that we LOVED, it seemed absolutley perfect. We had pretty much made up our minds that we were going to put an offer in on the house, but Josef wanted to look at the house one more time on Monday and look at two others as well. So we went to look our "perfect" house on Monday first. It still looked pretty appealling, atleast to me. The only problem was that it has next to no storage. Which could be a problem down the road when we have more kids. So after we looked at that house we went and looked at two others and then we planned on heading back to the office to make an offer. The second house we looked at was a joke! It smelled and was pretty ugly. The people living there didn't even bother picking up there dirty clothes or putting dirty dishes in the sink! So that was a waist of time. We headed over to the last house and I wasn't really in the mood to look at anymore houses because I knew Sofia was getting hungry and I had already made up my mind to put an offer on the first house. But Josef really wanted to go see this one last house. Well we walked in and fell in love. It is a beautiful house and it smells really good ( which was a nice change from the previous house). We decided we like this house much better then the first. After looking it over we decided to put an offer in on this house instead. It had only been on the market a few days and already had a bit of interest in it so we submitted our offer Monday night. We went back to the office to work on the papers and I tried to feed Sofia but lately she hasn't wanted to eat anywhere else but home. She just cried the whole time. I ended up in the car alternating trying to nurse her, trying to give her pumped milk in a bottle, and giving her her pacifier. After what seemed like forever (and several tears from both of us) later, she latched on to the bottle. It was a very stressful night!!

Tuesday evening the owners came back with a counter offer which was only two thousand dollars more than what we originally offered. So we ammended a couple things on our offer but stayed firm on the price. And last night at approximately 9pm they excepted our offer! Hooray!!! We close on the house on June 16th and will move in a few days later.

More on our house to come!

1 comment:

Julia and Cody said...

Congrats!! That is soo exciting! Let us know if you need any help when you move in!