Wednesday, January 30, 2008

She's coming!!!

So I went into the doctor today for my 40 wk appointment, she checked me, and....... nothing!!! I haven't progressed at all in the last week. My doctor said that that isn't optimal for an induction, I guess they want you to be at least few centimeters dilated before they give you pitocin (an artificial version of the hormone that makes you go into labor).WARNING: Some may think the following is too much info, but mostly women and mothers read this blog, so I'm not too worried about grossing anyone out. So tonight, yes tonight, we will go to the hospital at 10pm and the nurses will put a little pill into my cervix to help it to ripen (dilate and thin). My doctor said that sometimes this is enough to make a woman go into labor, but if it doesn't (which I think will be my case, my body seems to be stubborn) then they will start me on pitocin tomorrow morning. So by tomorrow afternoon (hopefully not longer) I will be holding my little girl in my arms. I'm so excited, but pretty nervous about the labor at the same time. So wish me luck and keep us in your prayers. The next time I post you will get to see pictures of my beautiful little girl!!


Bonfire said...

Good Luck and Congratulations! :)

Bonnie from EFY

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you the last few days wondering if the baby has come yet. Good luck and I can't wait to see a picture of your beautiful girl!

Julia and Cody said...

yea for you!!! Congratulations and good luck!! Oh I'm so happy for you! :>