Monday, January 14, 2008

For Josef

Today is Josef's 29th Birthday!! I was hoping that our daughter would make an appearance for his birthday, but I guess he will have to wait a little while longer for that present.
I have the most amazing husband. My love for him has grown immensely in the last nine months since I got pregnant! The first four months of pregnancy were soooo hard being sick all the time, but Josef took care of me. He did all the cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping. And then would hold me when I would cry for no rational reason (he still does this). Some how he still found me attractive even when I would go weeks without feeling well enough to put any effort into my appearance. He still makes me feel beautiful even though I have a huge belly and stretch marks seem to be a regular theme on my body. He's patient, kind, thoughtful, easy to please, appreciative, funny, sweet, stable, consistent, hard working, understanding, laid back, silly. He's the BEST friend I've ever had!! I will never be able to thank Heavenly Father enough for bringing him into my life, and being able to be sealed to him forever. Josef is my rock, I know I can count on him for anything and everything.
He is the only person that I want to experience life with. And now I am about to embark on a new adventure with him as we raise this daughter that we created together.

I love you Sweethart and I will love you forever!!!!

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