Monday, October 15, 2007

Adventures at the State Fair

So I bet you all are wondering why I'm in a wheel chair. Well this Saturday Josef and I went to the State Fair of Texas with my cousin Bethany and her husband Josh. After we had been there for about 45 minutes, everyone else was getting hungry and wanted a famous foot-long corndog, so we made our way over to the booth that sells them. Since I spent most of my first four months of pregnancy in bed I am in really bad shape and am not used to walking alot. So by the time we reached the food vendor, I was in serious need of some rest. Not to mention the sun was blazing, it was HOT, and there were lots of people everywhere. But I didn't want to be a party pooper so early on in the day, so I didn't speak up like I should have. However we did find some shade to stand in while everyone ate their corn dogs.
While Josef was off getting more tickets, I started feeling kinda nauseous and a little strange. All I was think was "I'm not going to throw up, not here!!!" Then I started feeling extremely light-headed and tingly all over. My vision started clouding and getting darker, and my hearing was becoming muffled. It was like the world around me was getting further and further away. Next my knees and legs started getting weak and I knew I was about to colapse, but I was able to lower myself to the ground before I toppled over. I didn't completely go unconscious, but my vision did go completely dark for a few seconds. The next thing I knew Josef, Bethany, and Josh were all standing around me asking me if I was ok. Eventually I was able to get to my feet and get to the air-conditioned auto show, which was right next door. I sat and ate some nachos while the other three took a look at the cars. I called and talked to Dr. Mom and we decided that a combination of the heat and physical exhaustion must have caused my blood pressure to drop suddenly, which is why I nearly passed out.
Well I really wanted to stay at the fair, so we rented a wheel chair and my awesome husband ended up pushing his pregnant wife around again!! It acutally had some benefits. Like we got the best seating at all the shows, reserved just for handicaps like myself, hahaha! But by the time the sun went down and we were getting ready to leave, I couldn't wait to ditch the chair. In case you're wondering, my baby girl and I are doing just fine. What an adventurous day!!!


Julia and Cody said...

aww! Sounds like an adventurous day! I'm glad you are doing good and so is your little girl! You look so cute all pregnant! Happy 3rd trimester!

Christi said...

wow, that sounds a little scary. I'm glad you were able to stay at the fair though.