Thursday, August 9, 2007


So its been a few weeks since the last time I posted anything, mostly because my life is boring. I've reached my second trimester now, and was hoping that the sickness would get better, but it hasn't by any means. I have several different perscriptions for nausea and each have their own side effects. Unfortuantely the most effective one gives my horrible migrains which makes me nauseous, so I have found my self in a vicious cycle. I'm really beginning to worry that my baby isn't getting the nutrients that it needs. I take my prenatal vitamins when I can keep them down, which is most of the time. But my diet is terrible, it basically consists of things that don't make me want to barf; mostly waffles, french toast, home made Egg McMuffins, and cinnomin toast.
Well on a happier note Josef got a promotion after being with the company for only 4 months. His bosses love him!! I'm so proud of him, he has such a good work ethic and he always puts everything into all the tasks and projects they give him. He is also a wonderful husband. When I'm feeling sick, which is 90% of the time, he does the cooking, cleaning, and shopping, without a word of complaint. I married SuperMan!!!

1 comment:

Julia and Cody said...

Sorry hun that things aren't going so well for you. I hope things do start looking up soon. Congrats to Josef and his promotion! That's really awesome. That's really sweet of him to take such good care for you too!